Notes to Norah - 3 Months

Notes to Norah - 3 Months


How can it even be real that you're already 1/4 through your first year? You are growing so fast, and even have started to put on a bit of "chub" as they say :) You are still only days old in my eyes and the novelty of your presence is still every bit as abundant as it was the day you were born. 

Your siblings fight over you on a daily basis - Bellamy always ensuring that everyone knows that you're HER sister, and letting Baylor know that he's TOO close to your face! She's your second mama and the comfort & joy that brings me is something fierce. She sings you lullabies, gives you your binky when you drop it (every 5 seconds - can we work on this??), and even tells you stories about her day to make you smile. It never fails. Baylor always tells me how much he loves you, how cute he thinks you are and that he "can't believe she's our baby!". Winnie is our resident "public announcer" and she makes sure everyone, from the cashier at the grocery checkout to the teacher at school knows that "dis is baby Noyah - winnie sister". She pretends to talk baby talk to you (which just ends up being a high pitched "beeboodeedadada") and loves to "hold you" for a hot 5 seconds before she's "all done - tank you". Needless to say, you're the star of our show. 

You're sleeping through the night now, which makes me feel all sorts of feelings - jipped that I miss out on that special one-on-one time with you, but forever grateful for the extra hours of sleep that I so desperately can use. You are calm & cool, you rarely lose it, and you're always content as long as you're being held and your diaper is squeaky clean. You've started smiling at us, and even trying to laugh when your dad makes a funny face or your sister dances for you. While I'm eager for these little milestones, because they're just so fun, I dwell in the slow moments, because I know this will all move at a rapid pace, regardless of my desire to keep you tiny forever. I look at you in awe, knowing you're the perfect addition to our family, knowing that God created you, just for us. We love you baby Norah, more today than yesterday, and more tomorrow than today. 


Your Mama. 

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Life Lately

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